EN On this site you can find many of my musical, educational and creative projects between art and environmental outreach.
Take a moment to make a tour and have a good experience. You can find my updated agenda here.


ES En esta web puedes encontrar muchos de mis proyectos musicales, educativos y creativos entre el arte y la divulgación medioambiental.
Tómase un momento y disfrutad de la experiencia. Aquí va mi agenda siempre actualizada de eventos/conciertos.


CAT En aquesta web podeu trobar molts dels meus projectes musicals, educatius i creatius dins l’art i la divulgació ambiental.
Està ple de materials i continguts: preneu-vos un moment i gaudiu de l’experiència. Podeu trobar la meva agenda actualitzat aquí.


IT In questo sito potete trovare molti dei miei progetti musicali, educativi e creativi tra arte e divulgazione ambientale.
É ricco di materiali e contenuti: prendetevi un momento e godetevi l’esperienza. Qui  trovate la mia agenda sempre aggiornata di concerti, lab, etc.


“Someone stop this nightmare! Standing still in silence means supporting the ongoing genocide. Shout out your outrage, in every capital of the ‘civilized’ world, in every city, in every square, drown out our screams of pain and terror. There is a part of humanity that is dying, listening in pitiful silence. Let us remain human!
Vittorio Arrigoni, Vik, 1975 Italy – 2011 Gaza


All my activities over the last few years have converged into a single, coherent ecosystem: SCRAP—an artistic environment of interconnected projects focused on creative reuse.
Have a look by clicking on the image below!!



 Adeu Pau, ha sido una grande suerte conocerte y tocar para ti. Te echaremos de meno…


Some more...










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